
What is your monthly blocking amount?

Monthly blocking amount
/ month
Enter your monthly blocking amount here.
What is a blocked account?

A blocked account (Sperrkonto) is a special type of bank account that is - in most cases - necessary for your German visa application and is also a requirement when applying for a residence permit once in Germany.

If you are a foreign student, au-pair, language student or jobseeker who is not from an EU Member State, you must prove that you have the financial resources to pay for all your living expenses during the time of your stay in Germany. It is usually required to provide the so-called "Proof of financial resources" when you apply for an entry visa or for a residence permit in Germany.

This proof is usually presented in the form of a blocked account. As the name says, a blocked account is not a normal bank account. Applicants must transfer a standard minimum amount into the blocked account before coming to Germany. To comply with German law, € 934.00 must be transferred into the account for each month that the applicant plans to stay in Germany (usually for up to 12 months). This "blocked amount" will remain frozen in the account, until the account holder arrives in Germany. There are also limitations on the amount that can be withdrawn or transferred by the account holder within the defined period.

Can I transfer more than the required blocked amount?

No, you may not transfer as much money as you want. Please stick with the amount that was mentioned to you by your relevant authority and that you will find later in your Transfer Information document.

What can I do, if dont know my monthly blocking amount?

In general, the German embassy told you the exact amount of your montly blocking amount. If you can't find the amount in your documents, you can ask there as well.

What is the standard monthly sum?

In general, € 934.00 for every month of your stay are required as a monthly blocked amount. This is the standard sum required by the German authorities. Please note that only your local embassy, consulate, or the local immigration authority can provide you with binding information on the required monthly blocked amount in your individual case.

How long do you want your blocked account to run for?

How do I know how long my blocked account has to run?

Your blocked account has a term of between 2 and 12 months. Your duration depends on the time of your stay.

If you want to stay in Germany for longer than 12 months, you can easily extend your blocked account later on.

When does the term of my blocked account start?

Your blocked account starts earliest in the month during which your visa begins.

What do I have to do if I need a blocked account for more than 12 months?

If you want to stay in Germany for longer than 12 months, you can easily extend your blocked account later on in the process after setting up the payouts for your initial term .

Do you need an additional basic sum?

What is meant by additional basic sum?

Firstly, please note that an additional basic sum is only necessary in exceptional cases. 

The "additional basic sum" is an additional amount on your blocked account which only needs to be entered if your local embassy, consulate, or immigration authority inquires a special request. Please do not enter any "additional basic sum" without the particular request by the embassy. If you have to enter an "additional basic sum" it is just a security for the aforementioned entities. Please keep in mind that this sum remains blocked during your time in Germany. 

You can check if you have an additional basic sum for your German student visa by contacting the German Embassy or Consulate in your home country where you are applying for the visa. They will be able to provide you with the most up-to-date information about the blocked amount and any additional basic sum that is required for your specific case.

You can also check on the website of the German Federal Foreign Office.

It's important to note that the rules and requirements are subject to change so it's always best to check with the most recent information.

Where can I find my additional basic sum?

If you have to provide an additional basic amount, your relevant authority should have mentioned that to you already. Please check your correspondence with them to find out, whether you have to provie a basic sum and if so, how high it should be.

What is the difference between monthly sum and additional basic sum?

In general, €934.00 for every month of your stay are required as a monthly blocked amount. This is the standard monthly sum required by the German authorities. Please note that only your local embassy, consulate, or the local immigration authority can provide you with binding information on the required monthly blocked amount in your individual case.

The additional basic sum is an additional amount on your blocked account which only needs to be entered if your local embassy, consulate, or immigration authority has a special request. Please do not enter any "additional basic sum" without a particular request by the embassy. If you must enter an "additional basic sum" it is just a security for the aforementioned entities. Please keep in mind that this sum remains blocked during your time in Germany.

What is the requested basic sum?

Basic sum in €:

Why do you apply for a German visa?

What reason do I have to give if I have more than one reason?

Please choose the reason for your primary motivation to come to Germany. It is also the reason as for which you are applying for a German visa.

Why do I have to state my reason for entry?

In your visa application documents, it will later be stated what the reason for your application is. 

So, please enter here the accurate reason. However, in case it changes later on, you can contact us to change it again for you.

When do you plan to arrive in Germany?

Please select a date.
What can I do if I do not yet know my arrival date?

If you don't know your exact date of arrival in Germany, please simply fill in the first of the month during which you are planning to arrive. Do not worry, this date can easily be changed later on again.

What is your name?

Make sure your name is spelled exactly as it appears on your passport.

First name
Enter your official first name here
Last name
Enter your official last name here
What should I do if I don't have a first or last name?

If you don’t have a first or last name, please enter “-” instead. 

Where should I enter my middle name?

This depends to which part of your name the middle name belongs. If it is part of your first name, please enter it in the first name field. If it part of your last name, please enter it in the last name field. 

What gender is indicated in your passport?

Why do I have to state my gender here?

We need specific personal data of you to be able to open a blocked account for your. For this reason, we also require information about your gender.

What is your passport number?

Passport number
Enter your passport number here
Where can I find my Passport Number?

The passport number is usually part of the core information of your passport and may consist of numbers and letters. However, passport numbers that only include numbers are also possible.

What is the date of issue and expiry of my Passport?

Issue date
Please enter a valid date
Expiry date
Please enter a valid date
Where do I find my date of issue and expiry of my passport?

These dates are key information of your passport and should be easily spottable on your passport. Some countries have multiple pages for their passport, so, if you cannot find the dates on the first page, please check the remaining ones. 

What is your date of birth?

Date of birth
Please enter a valid date

What is your nationality?

What if my nationality is US or KP?

You will not find any nationality pointing at those nationalities in our list. This is because we are not able to open Blocked Accounts for people that hold the nationality of those countries. We apologise for that. 

What can I do if I have a second nationality?

Please enter here your first nationality. You will have the possibility to enter a second one in following steps. 

Do you have a second nationality?

What is a second nationality?

A second nationality refers to a person holding multiple citizenships in addition to their primary nationality. A person can acquire a second nationality through a variety of ways such as naturalization in another country, marriage to a foreign national, or having a parent or grandparent from another country.

It's worth noting that some countries do not allow dual citizenship and may require an individual to renounce their previous citizenship in order to acquire a new one.

Why is it important for me to mention a second nationality?

If you do not have a second nationality, this step can be skipped. However, if you have a second nationality, please make sure to enter it here. If you are keeping a second nationality hidden here, we reserve the right to cancel your contract immediately. 

What is your second nationality?

What if my second nationality is US or KP?

You will not find any nationality pointing at those nationalities. This is because we are not able to open Blocked Accounts for people that hold the nationality of those countries. We apologise for that. 

What is a second nationality?

A second nationality refers to a person holding multiple citizenships in addition to their primary nationality. A person can acquire a second nationality through a variety of ways such as naturalization in another country, marriage to a foreign national, or having a parent or grandparent from another country.

It's worth noting that some countries do not allow dual citizenship and may require an individual to renounce their previous citizenship in order to acquire a new one.

Why is it important for me to mention a second nationality?

If you do not have a second nationality, this step can be skipped. However, if you have a second nationality, please make sure to enter it here. If you are keeping a second nationality hidden here, we reserve the right to cancel your contract immediately. 

What is your official relationship status?

Did you change your name after you got married?

What is a maiden name?

A maiden name is the surname an individual has before they get married. It is the name an individual is given at birth or upon legal adoption and is used until they marry, at which point they may choose to take their partner's surname or hyphenate their maiden name with their partner's surname. In some cultures, an individual may choose to keep their maiden name after marriage, either officially or informally. If your name did not change after marriage, then you can answer this question with “No, I have not”.

What is your maiden name?

Please enter your maiden name here.
What is a maiden name?

A maiden name is the surname an individual has before they get married. It is the name an individual is given at birth or upon legal adoption and is used until they marry, at which point they may choose to take their partner's surname or hyphenate their maiden name with their partner's surname. In some cultures, an individual may choose to keep their maiden name after marriage, either officially or informally. If your name did not change after marriage, then you can answer this question with “No, I have not”. 

What is your current address?

Enter your street
House number
Enter your house number here
Additional address information
Enter your house number here
Enter your city here
Enter your postcode here
(if applicable)
Enter your country here
Which address do I have to enter?

You must enter the address where you are currently registered. Typically the address in your home country. 

Later on in the process, you will be asked separately about your German address.

Why do I have to enter this address?

To create a blocked account for you, we need an active and current address from you. This is required by all European banks when creating new accounts.

Do you know your Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)?

Enter your TIN here
Please enter your TIN here
What is a Taxpayer Identification Number?

A TIN, or Taxpayer Identification Number, is a unique number assigned to a person or entity by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for the purpose of identification and tax-filing. There are several types of TINs, including Social Security Numbers (SSNs) for individuals and Employer Identification Numbers (EINs) for businesses. TINs are used to track and report income and taxes paid to the tax office.

What happens if I no longer know my TIN?

If you no longer know your TIN, you can contact your local tax office and ask them to give you your TIN. 

Why do I have to give my TIN?

Banks are required by law to collect and verify the Tax Identification Number (TIN) of their customers when they open an account. This is done to help the government combat money laundering, tax evasion and financing of terrorism. Banks are required to obtain, verify and record information that identifies each person who opens an account, including the TIN.

In summary, the bank is required by law to collect and verify TIN as part of their due diligence process to comply with anti-money laundering (AML) and know your customer (KYC) regulations.

Are you taxable in the USA?

You need to confirm that you are not a US taxpayer.

Why is it important that I am not a US taxpayer?

There are some criteria, which do not allow us to open blocked accounts for certain groups of people. This includes:

- People with US Tax status

- Residents of Iran (IR)

- Residents of North Korea (KP)

This is because of underlying banking regulations and/or international anti-money laundering measures.

Can I still open an account even if I am liable to pay tax in the US?

No. Unfortunately, you cannot open a blocked account with Fintiba if you are a US taxpayer.

Do you still need mandatory health insurance?

The health insurance is compulsory when you enrol in a university.

HI 1
Please specify an answer
HI 2
Please specify an answer
Why do I need health insurance?

In Germany, having health insurance is mandatory by law. Health insurance helps to cover the costs of medical treatment, including doctor visits, prescription drugs, and hospital stays. Without health insurance, these costs would be very high and can financially burden individuals and families.

Furthermore, having proof of health insurance coverage is a basic requirement to be granted a visa for Germany. 

What is the advantage of getting health insurance via Fintiba?

We at Fintiba have created the Fintiba Plus package, which includes the blocked account together with all the health insurance you need. We have partners with renowned partners in Germany to provide you with great services and good prices, all together in one package, to make the visa application process for you as easy as possible. 

And the best part of it, if you go with Fintiba Plus and activate your health insurance from the package, you will receive Travel Health Insurance for free! 

What does my German health insurance cost?

The cost of German health insurance depends on several factors, including the type of insurance plan you choose and your income level.

There are two main types of health insurance in Germany: statutory and private.

Statutory health insurance is known as "gesetzliche Krankenversicherung" (GKV) and is the most common type of health insurance. 

Fintiba automatically checks which insurance suits you and creates a tailor-made package for you.

Please keep an eye on the checkout page. You will find the individual prices there. 

How old are you?

Do I have to state my current age?

Yes, you must enter your current age here. 

Your age has an influence on the insurance we can offer you.

You have to apply for blocked account for minors.

Why can’t I apply for my blocked account here?

This form is configured exclusively for the blocked account for persons of full age. We have created a separate form for minors.

Just click on "Apply for blocked account for minors" to get to the appropriate form.

Which university did you apply to?

Do I already have to be enrolled in the university?

No, you do not have to be already enrolled at a university.

Simply select here the university to which you applied already. If you applied to many different universities and have not decided, yet, which offer you will accept, simply select one of those universities. And do not worry, you can change this information later on again. 

Also, if you are not planning to enrol at a university at all, you can simply select “I won’t study in Germany” and continue. 

What is the start date of your semester?

Semester Start Date
Please enter a valid date
Why do I have to answer this question?

For us to be able to correctly assess your insurance needs and provide insurance without any gaps, we require this information from you.

What do I do if I don't know my exact semester start date, yet?

No worries, the date here doesn't have to be completely final or accurate. We just need an initial estimate to correctly asses your situation. You can also change this data later on again. So, please enter a roughly estimated date here.

Do we agree?

You must agree to our terms and conditions to open a blocked account.

Standalone Agreements
Please specify an answer
Please specify an answer
Please specify an answer
Please specify an answer
Please specify an answer
Please specify an answer

Your blocked account is just one step away.

Standalone Agreements
Please enter a valid e-mail address
Your password must contain upper case letters, lower case letter, numbers and must have at least 8 characters.
Enter a valid voucher code here

All fees transparent for you at a glance

Your blocked account has a one-time opening fee of €89.00 and a monthly fee of €4.90. No hidden fees!

Do we agree?

You must agree to our terms and conditions to open a blocked account.

Package 1
Please specify an answer
Please specify an answer
Please specify an answer
Please specify an answer
Please specify an answer
Please specify an answer
Please specify an answer

Your blocked account is just one step away.

Package 1
Monthly cancellation possible
No minimum contract term
Settlement fully processed and managed via the Fintiba App
Deposit insurance of € 100,000.00 granted by German law
Blocking confirmation accepted and approved by the German Federal Foreign Office

All fees transparent for you at a glance

Your blocked account has a one-time opening fee of €89.00 and a monthly fee of €4.90.

The health insurance costs €119.94 for persons under 23 years of age and €122.78 for childless persons over 23 years of age. 

The travel insurance is included free of charge when you take out this package. With this package, you save €94.00.

Please enter a valid e-mail address.
Your password must contain upper case letters, lower case letter, numbers and must have at least 8 characters.
Enter a valid voucher code here

Briefly about your health

To find the best health insurance for you, we have two questions for you.

Within the last 36 months period, have you been treated or have you sought/received medical advice for a chronic, ongoing medical condition or received repeat medical treatment, or are you taking prescribed drugs on a regular basis (except contraceptive pills etc.)?

Briefly about your health

To find the best health insurance for you, we have two questions for you.

Are you awaiting results of tests/investigations or have any medical treatment planned, advised or is pending (including but not limited to hospital admission or surgery)?

Do we agree?

You must agree to our terms and conditions to open a blocked account.

Package 2
Please specify an answer
Please specify an answer
Please specify an answer
Please specify an answer
Please specify an answer
Please specify an answer
Please specify an answer

Your blocked account is just one step away.

Package 2
Please enter a valid e-mail address
Your password must contain upper case letters, lower case letter, numbers and must have at least 8 characters.
Enter a valid voucher code here

All fees transparent for you at a glance

Your blocked account has a one-time opening fee of €89.00 and a monthly fee of €4.90.

The health insurance costs €119.94 for persons under 23 years of age and €122.78 for childless persons over 23 years of age. 

The MAWISTA Student Classic tariff costs €25.00 (€60.00 for MAWISTA Student Comfort) per month for people up to 29 years of age. For people from 30 years up to 39 years of age, the costs increase to €38.00 (€89.00 for MAWISTA Student Comfort) per month.

The travel insurance is included free of charge when you take out this package. With this package, you save €94.00.

Briefly about your health

To find the best health insurance for you, we have two questions for you.

Within the last 36 months period, have you been treated or have you sought/received medical advice for a chronic, ongoing medical condition or received repeat medical treatment, or are you taking prescribed drugs on a regular basis (except contraceptive pills etc.)?

Briefly about your health

To find the best health insurance for you, we have two questions for you.

Are you awaiting results of tests/investigations or have any medical treatment planned, advised or is pending (including but not limited to hospital admission or surgery)?

Do we agree?

You must agree to our terms and conditions to open a blocked account.

Package 3
Please specify an answer
Please specify an answer
Please specify an answer
Please specify an answer
Please specify an answer
Please specify an answer
Please specify an answer

Your blocked account is just one step away.

Package 3
Please enter a valid e-mail address
Your password must contain upper case letters, lower case letter, numbers and must have at least 8 characters.
Enter a valid voucher code here

All fees transparent for you at a glance

Your blocked account has a one-time opening fee of €89.00 and a monthly fee of €4.90.

The MAWISTA Student Classic tariff costs €25.00 (€60.00 for MAWISTA Student Comfort) per month for people up to 29 years of age. For people from 30 years up to 39 years of age, the costs increase to €38.00 (€89.00 for MAWISTA Student Comfort) per month.

The travel insurance is included free of charge when you take out this package. With this package, you save €94.00.

And so it goes on...

These are the steps you have to take now:

  • Confirm your email address
  • Log into your app.fintiba.com account
  • Identify yourself
  • Pay in your blocked amount
Where can I find my password?

You created the password yourself and we will not send it to you again. If you forgot your password, you can use the “Forgot password” functionality of the login area of the Fintiba App. 

What do I have to do now to open my blocked account?

Please check your emails now. We have sent you an email with further instruction to open your Fintiba account. All further steps will be explained either in the app directly or via email communication. We are glad to have you with us!


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